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Just like your heart, lungs and liver, kidneys are vital too!

Your kidneys clean your blood, help control your blood pressure, help make red blood cells and keep your bones healthy.

Why kidneys are vital?

Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located in lower back area. You need at least one healthy kidney to keep your body working well. They help control your blood pressure and help keep your bones healthy. However, the kidneys' most important job is to clean out the waste from the blood. If the kidneys gradually stop working, known as having kidney failure, waste removal gets hampered. In this stage, with the help of medicines and lifestyle changes, further deterioration can be delayed. But if both the kidneys are totally damaged, then you might need dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. Unfortunately, there is no treatment at this stage to reverse the kidney functions.

Prevalence of Kidney disease in India

Unfortunately, there is no study to find the exact numbers of kidney disease in India. Data from USA has shown that, 1 in every 7 adult people is suffering from kidney disease. In India, 150 to 200 people per 10lakh population are suffering from complete kidney failure that means they require dialysis for the rest of their lives. Nearly 1 lakh new patients require dialysis initiation every year in India.

Just to be scared...

90% people with kidney disease are unaware they have it because kidney diseases frequently remain silent till the last stage. Without routine investigations, sometime it is very difficult to diagnose the kidney disease even by an experienced doctor. That’s why kidney diseases have been identified as "Silent killer".

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is very common in India and it usually runs in families. Without routine check-ups, you will not know if you are hypertensive.1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure may have some form of kidney disease. High blood pressure is the second most common cause of kidney failure. So, you need to control blood pressure to protect your kidneys

Diabetes and their love for Kidneys

Diabetes love Kidneys! It is the leading cause of kidney disease. So much so, that about 1 in every 3 adults with diabetes has kidney disease.

Why do we need two kidneys, if we can live with one?

Let's answer the question with a question. Why do you need a stepney in a car? Because, if you get a flat, it would really be handy. You might just help someone in need. Just that the car you are lending your spare, must be of the same make and model.

Heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and death

Kidney diseases can all lead to the above. But you can really prevent them. Slow the disease down or even stop.

Early bird catches the worm

Despite all the scares, one good thing is that kidney disease can be detected with simple blood and urine tests at an early stage if you just make it a routine to keep them under a check. Moreover, it can often be prevented, and the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure can often be slowed down or stopped.

Free but valuable

We often hate unsolicited advise. Just like we do not listen to our parents and regret later on in our lives. Being physically active, keeping a healthy weight, consuming kidney-friendly foods and fluids and getting tested for kidney disease can help protect your kidneys. Even small changes can make a big difference. But are you listening?

10 points to save your life

  1. Make sure you get your kidneys checked by a Nephrologist and follow up as advised.

  2. Make healthy food choices. We will provide a diet but you already know what and what not to eat. Don't you?

  3. Make physical activity part of your routine. (Buying a gym membership doesn't count if you find excuses not to go there)

  4. Aim for a healthy weight. Do not starve, just eat right.

  5. Get enough sleep.

  6. Stop smoking.

  7. Stop/limit alcohol intake.

  8. Explore stress reducing activity.

  9. Manage diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

  10. Reluctance can kill you. Be aware and spread awareness

Protect Kidney

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